Coronavirus: Contract manufacturers are ready to step up to the need for medical ventilators

Created 5 years ago
Female doctor touching monitor of mechanical ventilator

Among the headlines detailing the latest news in the coronavirus outbreak, you may have seen rising concerns about the anticipated demand increase for medical ventilators. While it is expected that the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases will continue to climb in the coming weeks and months, we do not need to accept a future where ventilators are in short supply.

Ventilators have the ability to deliver lifesaving care to critically ill patients with COVID-19, and have quickly become the most sought-after medical devices across the globe.

There has been widespread skepticism about whether or not ventilator manufacturers will be able to scale up production, especially with other countries experiencing devastating shortages.

How contract manufacturers can help

Fortunately, contract manufacturing companies like ours have the resources, infrastructure and experience to help ease those concerns. We can support not only in the production of medical-grade ventilators but also in producing equipment used to manufacture N95 face masks, sutures, diagnostic test kits, surgical instruments, implantable devices, drug delivery devices and biologics.

With quality management systems, assembly, integration and testing capabilities as well as supply chain management, experienced manufacturers have systems in place to quickly partner with health care organizations during this critical time.

Choosing the right manufacturing partner

For medical device OEMs looking for a qualified contract manufacturing partner, we urge you to seek out a company with ISO 13485 accreditation and Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). These important qualifications designate businesses with proven experience in medical device system manufacturing.

Moving forward, together

The coronavirus outbreak is an international health crisis, and it is important that we work alongside one another to meet the growing needs. If you are a medical device company, government representative or health care organization looking for ways to grow your ventilator supply, reach out to KTC or another qualified manufacturing partner today. This is a time for us to do our part to help get quality ventilators into health care facilities across the globe. Together, we can help save lives.

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